Kvarner Bay Challenge - Stage 1 (22.02.2014)
Kategorie: Competition
Mapa/oblast: Srednji
Pořadatel: OK Torpedo, LAG Volim Beli
Země: Croatia
Disciplína: Middle
Skutečná délka: 6.53 km
Čas: 49:41
Prům. tepy: 154
Max. tepy: 201
Opening of the season was this year already in February on island of Cres in Croatia. Amazing map, terrain and great organization, with 150 competitors for first edition of Kvarner Bay Challenge. Hopefully, runners will hear about this competition and in next year I expect more people there as this competition deserves it.

My race didn't went well at all and can be divided into two parts. First was until 8th control, with big mistakes (1,3,4,6,8) and awful performance, like I didn't know where I was at all. On 8th control I was already 10min behind Andraž Hribar (winner).
After that another runner continued race and had pretty good performance until the end. Small RC mistake to no.10, as on my route was a lot of stones (a bit east was faster) and hesitation on 12th. In this 2nd part I've had times pretty similar to winner, so can be disappointed with this race, even this was new terrain to all.

* Heart rate is not good.
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Kvarner Bay Challenge - Stage 1 (22.02.2014) Kvarner Bay Challenge - Stage 1 (22.02.2014)