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Zagreb Open 2014 (19/10/2014)
Категорія: Competition
Карта/область: Medvednica - Runolist
Організатор: OK Vihor
Країна: Croatia
Дисципліна: Middle
Довжина шляху: 3.73 km
Час: 32:55
Last round of Croatian cup. Mistake already from the start, because I didn't notice startpoint and path from it (10''). Also mistake in circle on 1st because control was placed at the north end of eastern cliff, not between stone and cliff, so I didn't see it when I approached area.
Good until #6, even it was hard to run, because of fallen trees and steep terrain.
On #6 I made 2' mistake, quite sure that control was not on correct rootstock (GPS agree with me, but can't really talk about it, because I was searching for control in panic, more than looking if it's correctly placed). Few other runners also made mistake there, so can be true.
After that good race until the end and nice win to confirm overall victory in Croatian cup. (5/9 races counting, ran 6, won 5).
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Zagreb Open 2014 (19/10/2014) Zagreb Open 2014 (19/10/2014)